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Posted on 01 December 2021Are you able to use Gmail and have 1.5 hours per week to spare? If the answer is yes, we need your help. The CSF Leak Association is looking for a new volunteer to monitor the mailbox dealing with…

Redevelopment of Our Website
Posted on 01 December 2021In 2020 our website passed the landmark of one million views since it was first launched. It has served us well, but is built around a dated free template and before mobile browsing became the norm.…
Journeying with a CSF Leaker
Posted on 01 December 2021Martin Boyd describes the journey he took as a carer for his wife Viv
Join Our Board
Posted on 01 December 2021We have ambitious plans for the future and we need more trustees with the time and skill to help us support our members and achieve our aims. You do not need to have been a trustee before as our…
A Message from the Editor
Posted on 30 September 2021Welcome to the Autumn 2020 edition of Leaker Life. 2020 has been a truly horrid year. Covid-19 has had an enormous impact on life in the UK and abroad. While the NHS has done a great job responding…
Patient Survey Thank You
Posted on 01 March 2021A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who participated in our online patient survey. Patient involvement is an essential part of medical guideline development and your input was crucial to the work being…
Duke University Medical Center, North Carolina virtual meeting
Posted on 01 March 2021Headache: The Highs & Lows of CSF Pressure Problems
Guideline Development & Patient Survey
Posted on 01 March 2021Trustees Tamsin Trevarthen and Clare Joy have an update to share about our work towards a guideline
Spotlight on Trustees
Posted on 01 March 2021Since the founding of the charity, it has been run solely by volunteers. We are extremely grateful to everyone who has helped over the years. You have enabled the charity to get up and running to…

An Update from the Board of Trustees
Posted on 28 February 2021With Covid-19 presenting a huge challenge for people across the globe and understandably dominating much of our health services’ resources, we are acutely aware of the significant, and in many cases…