We have been extremely fortunate to benefit from many generous supporters over the years. From assistance in kind to individual fundraisers, through to one-off donations from organisations.
We appreciate each and every donation, offer of help and assistance, and we really mean it when we say every penny helps enormously in enabling us to do what we do. Thank you all!
Your Donations Make a World of Difference
We’d also like to acknowledge the specific support we have received from the following individuals and organisations, as well as those who have donated more than £500 to support our charity:
- The Fargher-Noble Trust
- Martin and Vivien Boyd
- Sion Lewis and Elizabeth Gunnion
- Tayside Health Board
- Highland Home Carers
- The North Midlands Neurosciences Ltd
- Solvents Industry
- Global Graphics
- EFG Limited
- RJ MacLeod
Special Thanks
We'd like to extend our very special thanks to:
- 34SP.com, who continue to donate our website hosting annually and have kept our charity's internet presence online since 2016.
- To The Holiday Saturday Fund, without whom we would not have been able to produce this website.
- To Google Workspace, whose non-profit programme keeps our back-office infrastructure running smoothly.
- And to Unsplash.Com for the use of photos from their site.

Want to help too?
If you'd like to support our work, either in kind or by donation, you can visit our donation or volunteering pages to find out how to help.