The easiest way to donate to us as a one-off or on a regular basis is through our Donate Now page.
You can also donate through our Facebook page.
Regular giving
If you would like to support us through regular donations, including donations through tax-efficient giving, you can do so via the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). You can also Give As You Earn through Charitable Giving.
Support us while you shop
Easyfundraising - we get funds every time you spend!
Sign up to easyfundraising, it's free and easy, and every time you shop you could raise funds for The CSF Leak Association at no cost to you.
We understand that money is tight for everyone and donating to charities can be difficult. That's why we love easyfundraising. You can earn us donations from the places you shop at and it won't cost you a penny. Over 7,000 businesses have signed up to give donations to charity when you shop with them. There is a mobile app and a handy reminder to let you know when you can earn funds for us.
Please sign up today and join the 100 supporters who have already raised over £2,000 for The CSF Leak Association.
Help us while saving trees
Don’t Send Me a Card enables you to send ecards to loved ones whilst raising funds for us
Leave a Gift to CSF Leak Association
As a nation, we’re an extremely charitable bunch. In 2017, the British public gave nearly £10 billion to their favourite causes – and a significant chunk of that was donated by people as part of their will. Read more about how you can do this.