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Spotlight on a Volunteer - Claire Secker
Posted on 01 April 2020Claire Secker is preparing to run the 2020 London Marathon (now rescheduled to 4th October due to the coronavirus pandemic) to raise funds for our charity. To date, she has already been sponsored to the tune of £1,500.
COVID-19 Information for CSF Leak Sufferers
Posted on 20 March 2020This page will be kept under review and amended if/when government or expert guidance is updated.
Last updated: 24 March 2020.
Rare Disease Day 2020
Posted on 04 February 2020We had the pleasure of attending the Westminster Reception to celebrate Rare Disease Day. The annual receptions are hosted at the House of Commons in London, the Senedd in Cardiff, and the Scottish…
Intracranial Hypotension Symposium 2020
Posted on 16 January 2020Linda D'Antona attended this year's Intracranial Hypotension Symposium at Cedars Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles.
2020 London Marathon
Posted on 27 November 2019When Claire's husband, Russell, recovered from successful surgery for a severe CSF Leak, they knew they wanted to help other sufferers.
A further message from Dr. Susan Iacovou
Posted on 17 October 2019At our Annual General Meeting in August the CSF Leak Association Chair, David Baldwin, stepped down and I became Acting Chair. I accepted the role with a huge amount of trepidation, knowing that…
Headache Academy 2019
Posted on 15 October 2019The CSF Leak Association was delighted to be invited back to endorse and attend the 2019 Headache Academy at the Royal College of Physicians in London. It was the second specialist teaching weekend on headache disorders organised by Dr Matharu. The foremost headache experts in the country were invited to speak and give case presentations.
First Ever UK Doctors CSF Leak Study Day
Posted on 23 September 201920th September 2019, The National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery, London This article was kindly submitted by Clare Joy, a Trustee of the CSF Leak Association, who was able to attend the…

Spotlight on a Volunteer - Russell Secker
Posted on 01 September 2019We are delighted to welcome Russell Secker on board as a newly recruited, and much appreciated charity volunteer. His interest in supporting the association originates from his own leaker experience.
Hospital Saturday Fund Grant
Posted on 04 August 2019We are delighted to announce that we have been awarded a grant by Hospital Saturday Fund to help us develop a new website and resource hub. The new site, which will be developed with industry…