The Role of the Medical Advisory Committee

Our Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) plays a vital role supporting the Trustees and helping the charity work towards and achieve its objectives.

It provides insight, scientific direction, support and expertise to the CSF Leak Association and the work it does.

The MAC works closely with the Charity’s Board of Trustees and acts as a focal point for medical professionals to enable the development of clear and consistent patient pathways and advance investigatory and treatment options.

Committee Composition

Current members of the committee are:

  • Dr Manjit Matharu, Consultant Neurologist, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (Chair)

  • Mr James Walkden, Consultant Neurosurgeon, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary

  • Dr Anthony Ordman, Consultant in Pain Medicine, Wellington Hospital

  • Dr Changez Jadun, Consultant Neuroradiologist, Royal Stoke University Hospital

  • Dr Simon Ellis, Consultant Neurologist, Royal Stoke University Hospital

  • Dr David Butteriss, Consultant Neuroradiologist, Royal Victoria Infirmary

  • Dr Brendan Davies, Consultant Neurologist, Royal Stoke University Hospital

  • Dr Heather Angus-Leppan, Consultant Neurologist, Royal Free Hospital

  • Mr Ahmed Toma, Consultant Neurosurgeon, National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery

  • Sarah Mead, Patient Representative

  • Clare Joy, Trustee Representative (Secretary)

Committee Membership

There are no current vacancies on our Medical Advisory Committee but if you are a medical professional with a specific interest in CSF leaks you can register your interest in joining when a vacancy becomes available by contacting the committee’s secretary at

Get Involved

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