We have ambitious plans for the future and we need more trustees with the time and skill to help us support our members and achieve our aims. You do not need to have been a trustee before as our priority is to attract candidates aligned with our mission, determined to engage, contribute, and challenge constructively. The role is interesting and rewarding, giving you the chance to exercise existing skills and develop new ones.

We are are particularly looking for experience in the following areas:

• Web based IT systems

• Fundraising

• Digital marketing

• Management/strategic planning

• Scientific/clinical research

Board meetings are held via zoom every 2 months for 2 hours on a Wednesday evening. You should expect to have to make a time commitment outside these meetings (e.g., to read and contribute to papers, respond to emails, and join ad-hoc calls) of at least ten hours per month. To find out more please contact volunteer@csfleak.info

Get Involved

You can support the mission of the CSF Leak Association in many different ways. If you want to help you can find out how by following the links and deciding which method fits you best. We appreciate any help you are able to give..

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