Leaker Life Autumn Edition, 2020

Welcome to the Autumn 2020 edition of Leaker Life.

2020 has been a truly horrid year. Covid-19 has had an enormous impact on life in the UK and abroad. While the NHS has done a great job responding to the pandemic, it has unfortunately delayed treatments for many in our CSF Leaking community. We all hope to return to something more like normal in the very near future.

Despite Covid, the Association has still been incredibly busy over the summer. We have included in this Newsletter a fascinating write-up from a second doctor who was funded by the Association to attend the SIH Conference at the Cedars-Sinai Hospital, Los Angeles earlier this year.

Board of Trustees

We still need to fill more positions on the Board of Trustees and to find more enthusiastic volunteers to keep the work of the Association going. Please consider helping out if you can. The forthcoming AGM is at 7pm on Thursday 19 November 2020. All members are welcome to join via Skype, although places are limited to 45 people. Proxy votes available for anyone who can’t attend. Look out for a separate communication about it next week with the agenda and papers.

And lastly, my wife Claire has proudly represented the CSF Leak Association by raising sponsorship funds by running the Virtual London Marathon. It is still not too late to donate to the cause - please see the write-up of her odyssey and fund raising efforts below.

Russell Secker

Volunteer e-newsletter Editor

Get Involved

You can support the mission of the CSF Leak Association in many different ways. If you want to help you can find out how by following the links and deciding which method fits you best. We appreciate any help you are able to give..

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