
Issue 17 - Winter 2021

A Message from the Editor

Welcome to the Winter 2021 edition of Leaker Life. The Covid pandemic continues, but life is slowly returning to a "new normal". From my personal experience, the NHS is starting to address ever…

Medical Guidelines Development

Medical News

Special Interest Group: Guideline development for Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension

A logo for the brain & spine foundation.

Brain & Spine Foundation Helpline

Association News

We've recently received a communication from a sister charity, the Brain and Spine Foundation. They run a confidential national Helpline staffed by neuroscience­ trained nurses for anyone who is…

Photo Competition

Association News

We'd love to feature the photo of a current or recovered Leaker in a "lying down pose" on our new website homepage. As most of us know, orthostatic headaches are a common symptom of CSF leaking, and…

Membership Volunteer Needed

Association News

Are you able to use Gmail and have 1.5 hours per week to spare? If the answer is yes, we need your help. The CSF Leak Association is looking for a new volunteer to monitor the mailbox dealing with…


Redevelopment of Our Website

Association News

In 2020 our website passed the landmark of one million views since it was first launched. It has served us well, but is built around a dated free template and before mobile browsing became the norm.…

Journeying with a CSF Leaker

Martin Boyd describes the journey he took as a carer for his wife Viv

Join Our Board

Association News

We have ambitious plans for the future and we need more trustees with the time and skill to help us support our members and achieve our aims. You do not need to have been a trustee before as our…

Get Involved

You can support the mission of the CSF Leak Association in many different ways. If you want to help you can find out how by following the links and deciding which method fits you best. We appreciate any help you are able to give..

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