Being a Trustee is fun, rewarding and enables you to give something back. We’ve achieved a lot since we were set up in 2015/16 and look forward to doing much more. Trustees guide the strategic direction of the charity and help with the day to running of various task groups. Our tasks include work like medical guidelines development, social media, fundraising, finance, volunteer management and I.T.

We recognise that the prospect of being a Trustee may seem daunting, however being a Trustee with us will allow you to give what you can without any requirement for more. All of our Trustees are either CSF Leakers themselves or carers. We know the challenges this involves and therefore volunteering with us fits around that. Most of our work is home based with the occasional opportunity to attend a conference or other event.

The Board meets online once every 2 months for two hours and whilst regular attendance is encouraged, we also recognise that health or other commitments have to come first. Most Trustees put in about 10 hours in total per month, but this can vary depending on people’s needs. Read more about what being a Trustee involves in OSCR's Guidance and good practice for Charity Trustees or read about our current Trustees.

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