Our website actually pre-dates the charity itself. It was initially developed as an information source by former chair David Baldwin back in early 2014. It was (and remains) a popular site and became a focus for the CSF leak community in the UK and beyond. It was a significant motivation behind the formation of the registered charity that we are today. We are keen to build on its success.

Most of our members, and those who visit our current website have limited abilities and are unable to travel significantly. Online engagement is fundamental to the work that we do. It is our principal ‘shop window’ and is a core strand of our business and outreach.

In 2020, our website passed the landmark of one million views since it was first launched and averages about 20,000 views each month. It has served us well, but is built around a dated free template and before mobile browsing became the norm. It is now showing its age so it is time to move forward. We were lucky to be awarded £9,000 from the Hospital Saturday Fund towards the cost of site redesign.

We are currently working with a web design company to develop a new website that builds on the successes of our existing site, whilst providing an improved user experience and additional functionality that will better fulfil our needs and those of our members. We hope to have this up and running towards the end of 2021.

Cerian Baldwin

Trustee & Treasurer

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