

Better Outcomes.

Initiated by the US Spinal CSF Leak Foundation, the campaign was dedicated to spreading the word about what a CSF Leak is, and to clearly highlight the associated symptoms in order to aid diagnosis. As we all know:

Diagnosis >> Treatment >> Better Outcomes.

During Leak Week, much coverage was given to the painful and debilitating positional headache that tends to accompany CSF Leaks, which is now also considered an important and under diagnosed cause of new daily persistent headache. It is both treatable and curable, along with the many other neurological symptoms and complications that can be entirely debilitating due to the patient’s limited ability to be functional whilst upright. Click here to view the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation's fantastic new video animation that was launched and shared over and over again on social media, featuring Anna, a 'leaker' who explains clearly what a CSF Leak is.

Three live expert Q and A sessions also took place, as well as sponsored events, and a number of prominent landmarks shone purple across north America. In addition, the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation and the CSF Association joined forces across the globe in a colourful social media campaign, asking supporters to draw or paint blue (representing the CSF Association) and purple droplets (representing the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation) on their hands, arms or face, to photograph it and share on social media using the hashtag #LeakWeek to spread the message. Other hashtags regularly highlighted the cause too #CSFleak #cerebrospinalfluidleak #uprightheadache

Banner advertising Leak Week 2017.

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