Invite your MP to learn more about neurological conditions

Following the General Election in July over half of all Members of Parliament (MPs) have been elected for the first time. We need to make sure that as many MPs as possible understand neurological conditions, including CSF Leaks, and speak up on the issues that matter most to OUR community in Parliament.

Please ask your MP to meet us in Parliament

If you are able, please invite your MP to attend The Neurological Alliance’s upcoming Parliamentary Neuro Reception. As a member of the alliance, we are supporting this event. MPs will be able to meet with people affected by neurological conditions, charities, and healthcare professionals to find out more about neurological conditions and how we can work together to improve treatment, care and support for the 1 in 6 people who have a neurological condition in the UK.

Write to your MP now

The Alliance has written a template email that you can edit and send to your MP using our quick e-action here. If you’d like to communicate with your MP in another way, please do so.

Thank you

The more MPs who attend, the stronger the support base in Parliament we’ll have for bringing about real change for everyone affected by neurological conditions.

Get Involved

You can support the mission of the CSF Leak Association in many different ways. If you want to help you can find out how by following the links and deciding which method fits you best. We appreciate any help you are able to give..

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