Welcome to the fourth edition of Leaker Life. Since our last edition, many exciting developments have been taking place for the association.
The first quarter of 2017 saw the very first Spinal CSF Leak Awareness Week, held between 26 Feb and 4th March. The event was spearheaded by the Spinal CSF Leak Foundation, but received tremendous global support and appealed to those with an interest in CSF Leaks from near and far.
Among the events held were three live online Q&A sessions, featuring top experts in the world of CSF Leaks: Dr Wouter Schievink, Dr Peter Kranz and Dr Ian Carroll. During these sessions a great deal of fascinating discussion took place. In this newsletter we summarise the key points covered.
In order to mark the first Leak Week, two fundraising events also took place here in the UK and we share the successes of the events and the experiences of the fundraisers.
January saw the grand opening of membership to the association. We have had an impressive number of applicants during these initial months and hope that this will continue to grow from strength to strength. Thank you if you have already joined, and if you haven’t yet, but are interested please do have a look at the benefits membership offers.
Plans are already well and truly underway for our first AGM, news of which can be found in the newsletter, along with information on becoming a trustee for those of our members who may be interested in joining us on the board.
We do hope you find the newsletter informative and interesting. As ever, we are always grateful to receive feedback about the newsletter and welcome suggestions for future articles. Please do get in contact to share your thoughts and please keep sharing your photos. We love receiving them! In the meantime, once again thank you for your ongoing support.
Polly Walker
Trustee & Editor