Welcome to the Winter edition of Leaker Life.

Once again it has been a busy time for the CSF Leak Association, and you will see from our Business Plan that we intend to continue forging ahead in 2019.

We introduce Pete Marnick, one of our hardworking and dedicated Trustees, and hear how he became a 'Leaker'. We have attended both the Headache Academy and RAREfest, and were delighted to raise awareness of CSF leaks via our hugely popular animation. THANK YOU for voting for our animation to be shown - it really was a hair raising few days as we watched the vote count creep higher and higher!

As always, please do get in touch if you have a suggestion for a newsletter feature, if you have a story, a photograph or a talent to share.

Once again, thank you for your tireless support over this year. Happy Christmas!

Polly Walker
Volunteer Newsletter Editor

Get Involved

You can support the mission of the CSF Leak Association in many different ways. If you want to help you can find out how by following the links and deciding which method fits you best. We appreciate any help you are able to give..

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